Welcoming Alert Level Three

Our bodies have to work harder when one part isn't functioning well.
As we’ve officially reached Alert Level Three, I was thinking back on how long ago the start of quarantine feels.
One of the things I enjoyed was going on walks with my dog, Ace, and seeing all the houses that had placed teddy bears and soft toys alike peeking out from windows. You may be wondering why some houses were doing this - my older daughter and son certainly were! It was to help keep young kids entertained while out on walks with their families by giving them something fun to look for.
It really shows how the community can come together and help each other out in difficult times. And this is how your body works.When one part isn’t functioning well, the rest of your body needs to work harder to make up for it.
Chiropractic care is an ongoing process of keeping your spine well aligned and helping maintain the balance of stability and flexibility your body needs so that you can enjoy the lifestyle you want to live!
While the clinic isn’t open for standard visits yet, I’m still here for emergencies if needed. Once again, stay safe and healthy. I’m looking forward to seeing you!